When Nancy, a VP of Corporate Sales, is interrupted in a meeting one too many times, she leaves her job to fight for women to be heard which lead to her creating a powerful playbook to help them speak up and stand out with confidence. I’m so glad she’s coming on the podcast to have an impactful conversation to talk about getting your voice heard & claiming your seat at the table.

Nancy Medoff is a confidence coach and author of Unmute Yourself, Speak Up to Stand Out. She has spent many years in corporate America and has operationalized the activities needed to demonstrate confidence in the workplace. Nancy has dedicated her life to helping others learn to stand up for themselves, so they can be heard and spread their own personal message.

Tune in to this conversation as we discuss:

  1. How to neutralize a person and be heard in a potentially volatile situation.
  2. The impact of women overusing ‘please’ in emails.
  3. The role of nurture vs. nature in developing confidence.

About Nancy Medoff

Nancy Medoff; equity evangelist, best-selling author, award winning podcast host and keynote speaker has literally “written the book” with her unique take on women and confidence. Unmute Yourself and Speak Up to Stand Out is a game changer and a call to action for women who are ready to get their seat at the table – then build a bigger table.

Isn’t it about time we speak up and stop building our own glass ceiling?

Recently named one of Thrive Global’s Power Women and featured in her hometown’s Boston Magazine; Nancy walks the talk and provides actionable steps for women to raise their game at every stage of their career.

When not traveling the globe, you’ll find Nancy enjoying the foodie scene in her home town of Boston or beachside on Outer Cape Cod, diving into the latest summer best seller.

👉 https://bit.ly/nmplinkedin
👉 https://www.instagram.com/nancy_medoff/
👉 https://nancymedoff.com/

By Minessa

With over 20 years of experience, Minessa Konecky has worked with small startups and hospital systems and academic centers in managing a variety of Federal, private and industry awards. They are comfortable with the entire life cycle of awards and have worked with investigators to secure and extend their research funding. They see themselves as the facilitators of the research business enterprise, and approach all solutions from that lens. Their passion is helping people find joy and fulfillment in their work using a human-centric approach to efficiency and optimization. They host of the Stop Shoulding All Over Yourself Podcast, and hold the position of Research Administration Process Improvement and Training Director at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Minessa takes great pride in their desi heritage and being a member of the LGBTQIA+ community. They live in their seaside cottage on unceded and occupied lands of the Wampanoag and Pokanoket people in Plymouth, MA with 3 dogs and their partner, Alex.